Earn yield with Coinchange for 30 days and we’ll add $40 worth of USDC to your High Yield Account
Sign up for Coinchange, verify your email and complete your ID verification.
Keep a minimum balance of $500 in your account for 30 days, and complete at least 1 transaction.
Your bonus can be withdrawn, traded or invested in your High Yield Account to earn yield!
Coinchange Financials, Inc.
261-250 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3E5 CANADA
Coinchange Financials Inc.
Corporation Trust Center 1209 Orange St.Wilmington,
DE 19801 USA
Coinchange Financials Sp. z o.o.
3 Romana Dmowskiego Street, Office 9,
Wrocław 50-203, POLAND
Note: Crypto assets are not legal tender, are not backed by the government, and crypto accounts held with Coinchange are not subject to FDIC or SIPC protections. The value of crypto assets are not static and can fluctuate substantially. Not all products and services are available in all geographic areas and are subject to Coinchange’s applicable terms and conditions. Eligibility for particular products and services is subject to final determination by Coinchange. Rates for our products are subject to change. Nothing on this website should be construed as a recommendation for any action. Coinchange is registered as a Money Services Business (MSB) number 31000185193236 with the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
Prohibited Jurisdictions
The use of Coinchange's services in the following jurisdictions are prohibited:
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
Puerto Rico
Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Coinchange Financials Inc.
Prohibited Countries and Industries
Last updated: September 2024
In accordance with the Coinchange Financials Inc. (“Coinchange”) compliance policies, the following jurisdictions and industries are prohibited.
High-risk persons
Coinchange may determine certain persons to be high-risk and services for these persons will be prohibited. High-risk persons include individuals or entities named on the United States OFAC sanctions list.
Prohibited Industries
Coinchange services must not be used for any illegal activities or for the businesses or product types listed below. The types of businesses listed here are representative of prohibited categories, but this is not an exhaustive list.
Coinchange will not onboard any of the following industries:
Any person or entity believed to be involved with weapons dealing, arms dealing, or defence companies; Any person or entity believed to be dealing illegal drugs; Any person or entity believed to be involved in human trafficking; Any person or entity believed to be involved in pornography; Gambling; Unlicensed fiat money service businesses (e.g. brokers, payment processors and remitters); and Unlicensed Non-licensed Bitcoin Automatic Teller Machines (“BTMs”). If the BTM is legitimately licensed, CCF shall determine on a case by case basis whether to maintain a relationship; Any person or entity known to be involved in money laundering and/or terrorist financing related activities; Any person or entity believed to be attempting to use CCF to conduct or be paid for illegal activities; and Any person or entity that has been sanctioned by the U.N. and/or U.S., Canadian Government. Shell banks; and Shell companies and/or companies that do not appear to serve any legitimate economic purpose.
If an existing customer relationship is determined to violate any of the above listed prohibitions, steps are taken to terminate the relationship.